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Lisa B. Swaminathan, Esq., Pro Bono Counsel
Patricia G. Cramer, Esq., Pro Bono Counsel
Samuel Staten, Jr., Business Manager

Robert W. Bogle, President and CEO
Thank you Charisse R. Lillie, Esq., and Sharmain Matlock-Turner for graciously serving as Co-Chairs, and for your impactful support of our girls with goals®
Charisse and Sharmain were recipients of the Sustaining Legacy Award presented during our 35th Anniversary Virtual Celebration in June 2020.

Sharmain Matlock-Turner
CEO, Urban Affairs Coalition

Charisse R. Lillie, Esq.
CRL Consulting LLC
A Message From
Our Founder

Elleanor Jean Hendley
Founder and CEO, Teenshop, Inc.
When I founded Teenshop in 1985 while working as a CBS 3 TV Broadcast journalist, I wanted to use my platform to help ensure that girls of color would see and meet positive representations of themselves in diverse careers, and that this exposure would encourage them to dream big and without limitations.
Thank you for supporting our ‘girls with goals®’ and we look forward to celebrating with you!
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